CFP Board Records Milestone Year in 2024

CFP® Board Updates

The CFP Board achieved record-breaking milestones in 2024, with the number of CFP® professionals reaching 103,093, a 4.3% increase from 2023. Additionally, 10,437 candidates sat for the CFP® exam, the highest in the Board’s history.

These accomplishments align with the success of CFP Board’s public awareness campaign, which has significantly enhanced recognition and preference for CFP® certification. Key metrics include a rise in unaided awareness of CFP® certification from 17% in 2011 to 44% in 2024, total awareness reaching a record 91%, and preference for CFP® certification climbing to 89%. Investments of over $160 million since 2011 have solidified CFP® certification as the gold standard in financial planning, underscoring its value to both clients and professionals.

The 2024 class of CFP® professionals was the most diverse ever, with 57% of new certificants under age 35 and significant increases in representation among women and racially and ethnically diverse individuals. The number of women CFP® professionals grew to 24,546, accounting for 23.8% of all certificants, while the number of racially and ethnically diverse CFP® professionals surpassed 10,000 for the first time, reflecting an 8.8% growth rate.

To read more about the CFP Board in 2024, please click the link below.