CFP® Certificants in the News: Women’s Initiative (WIN)
CFP® Certificant in the News
According to the CFP Board, “the percentage of women CFP® professionals has remained flat at 23 percent for at least a decade.” Based upon CFP Board commission researched aimed at increasing that percentage, the “WIN Council” and “WIN Advocates” were created by the Board. Key information follows:
“WIN Council
Following the recommendations outlined in the WIN white paper, CFP Board created the WIN Council, comprised of experts in the areas of women’s issues, diversity and recruitment, as well as leaders from financial planning and advisory firms and CFP Board-registered programs, to advise and assist in the development of initiatives to increase the number of women entering the financial planning profession, including the number of women CFP® professionals.
WIN Advocates
The WIN Advocate program was also developed from the recommendations in the WIN white paper. WIN Advocates are CFP® professionals designated by the CFP Board who work in their communities to get the word out that financial planning can be a rewarding career for women. Today, there are 555 WIN Advocates nationwide who are delivering this message to their communities, including local schools, women’s and girl’s groups, and professional associations. Interested CFP® professionals are invited to volunteer to become WIN Advocates.”
More information is available about this long-overdue initiative at invited to